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Progressive Web Apps

Customize Data
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Pots utilitzar el control segmentat a la part superior dreta de cada bloc per canviar entre percentatges relatius i recomptes absoluts per obtenir una visualització diferent de les mateixes dades.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick: Joe Haddad

Joe works on Next.js at Vercel and is constantly looking to proudly demonstrate its power while actively listening to feedback from the community to support them better.

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Web Developer, Conference Speaker, and Director of DevRel at Xata

WebAssembly (WASM)

Customize Data
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Recursos recomanats

Web Assembly (Wasm)
Jem Young

Web Assembly (Wasm)

In this course, you'll learn foundational, low-level programming such as binary, hexadecimal, and all about how memory works within computers.
Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) from Scratch
Maximiliano Firtman
Independent Consultant

Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) from Scratch

Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could build apps that didn't always rely on an internet connection? Modern web browsers now enable you to create offline-capable Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)!
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