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Whether it's pain points that hold you back today, or missing features that you hope to use tomorrow, this was your chance to vent and share your gripes with JavaScript!

JavaScript se développe dans la bonne direction

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Pas du tout d'accord
Pas d'accord
Entièrement d'accord

Construire des applications JavaScript apps est devenu trop complexe

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Pas du tout d'accord
Pas d'accord
Entièrement d'accord
Autre découverte scientifique: Acheter un t-shirt améliorera votre JavaScript de 9000 points !

L'écosystème JavaScript change beaucoup trop vite

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Pas du tout d'accord
Pas d'accord
Entièrement d'accord
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick: BroccoDev's Twitch Stream

Mike Brocchi recently started streaming to Twitch. He is a brilliant programmer, developer, and most importantly teacher. I always have a blast watching his streams and learning from him.

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Sr. Developer Advocate at Progress

JavaScript Pain Points

Which aspect of JavaScript do you struggle with the most? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.
Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins

Features Missing From JavaScript

Which feature would you most like to be able to use in JavaScript today? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.
Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins

How happy are you with the general state of web technologies?

Customize Data

How happy are you with the general state of JavaScript?

Customize Data

Ressources Recommandées

Write Professional, Modern JavaScript
Bianca Gandolfo

Write Professional, Modern JavaScript

From JavaScript foundations, all the way to Hardcore Functional JavaScript, find out how far you can go with your JavaScript abilities!
Merci à nos partenaires de nous soutenir ! En savoir plus.