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Picking a technology can often come down to a series of tough choices between competing priorities, and this year we tried to capture this process using a new bracket-style question format.

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Which libraries do you regularly use?
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick: Ryan Carniato

Ryan's reactive JS framework SolidJS hit 1.0, and he wrote numerous articles analyzing advanced JS framework implementation concepts.

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Mark Erikson

Redux Maintainer
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Quelles librairies utilitaire utilisez-vous régulièrement ?
C'est scientifiquement prouvé: Partager cette enquête sur Twitter, Facebook, ou par email améliore votre performance en JavaScript jusqu'à 15%.

JavaScript Runtimes

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Which engines/runtimes/execution environments do you regularly use?

JavaScript Flavors

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Languages that compile to JavaScript
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick:

Fly enabled me (a frontend engineer with a distain for DevOps) to confidently deploy a real-world, globally-distributed, production-grade app.

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Kent C. Dodds

Director of Developer Experience, Remix

Langages autres que JavaScript

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Quel autres langages utilisez-vous ?
The following chart provides the results of a tournament-style 8-player bracket in which respondents were tasked with picking the winner of each match-up until a single winner remained.

Library Evaluation Rankings

Which factors do you prioritize when evaluating a new library? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.
Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins

Ressources Recommandées

Add Types to Your Web and Node.js Apps with TypeScript
Mike North

Add Types to Your Web and Node.js Apps with TypeScript

Write robust JavaScript with a superior developer experience for your teams with Typescript.
Build Web APIs and Applications with Node.js
Scott Moss

Build Web APIs and Applications with Node.js

Node.js has emerged as one of the main server-side language choices that powers the web!
Merci à nos partenaires de nous soutenir ! En savoir plus.